Daniel Mackney
"You learn a lot of things over the years. In project management, you learn something with every new project. You determine the good, the bad, what works, what doesn’t and bring it all together into a final product for the client/customer. One of the things you learn is that you always need to continue your training and education. Some of that comes from course work but some also comes from the experiences of others.
PM-ProLearn’s course work brings both methods together quite nicely. First you have an excellent instructor with their experience and education. My instructor was Stacy King, who guided and informed our class expertly. My classmates brought forth their knowledge and backgrounds with questions and comments. Some I was thinking of and others I had not, but those just added to the learning environment.
The pacing of the material was steady. It covers quite a bit of ground in a week. For me, the best preparation came in learning terminology I was unfamiliar with. I have worked in my professional world for 40 years and learned the lingo and buzz terms of that environment. Now to obtain a Globally recognized Certification, I had to relate my education and experience to common terms.
A significant part of the class was doing various exercises and quizzes, and these were spot on with the phrasing and verbiage I saw in the actual exam. Overall, PM-ProLearn prepared me well."